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S A U N S W - Wakefield Trackday


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Hey all,

Wakefield Park doesnt need much of an introduction to most of you, to anyone thats never heard of Wakefield Park this is a very safe track about 2 hours from Sydney where you can drive your pride and joy as fast as you like with safe run off areas and no speed cameras to worry about!

This day is being run in conjunction with the Rotary club (RENEW) who we did trackdays with quite a long time ago, RENEW have 24 spaces and we have 24 spaces.

Our traditional format is being retained for all people who are new to trackdays. So if you've never driven on a track before and want someone experienced to give you instruction and help with how to drive better, faster or safer, or even if you've done a couple of trackdays and just want to ask some questions (no matter how silly they may seem) we have this at no extra charge available throughout the day.

For the trackday regulars we have a friendly interclub challenge between us and the RENEW club (details on this will be up in the NSW section in a seperate thread over the coming days). THIS IS NOT COMPULSORY!

Ok so here's the details;

Date: March 5th 2011

Where: Wakefield Park (www.wakefieldpark.com.au for directions)

Who: Anyone with any car (doesnt have to be a Skyline)

What: Trackday, suits total beginner to advanced

What time should I get there: 8am for experienced, 730am for beginners (Scruit finishes at 830am sharp, if you're late you need to wait until the day has started so the rest of the group isnt held up)

How much: SAUNSW and RENEW members $210 per driver, non members of those clubs $250 per driver

Lap timing: Included

Passengers: Allowed, must wear helmet and same clothing as drivers aswel as sign an indemnity form and pay a small fee

Licence needed: CAMS L2S or AASA club licence ($50 for 12 months, yes you can arrange this on the day no worries)

How the day runs;

Firstly, when you arrive at the track, find a place to park and empty all loose objects out of the car. Ensure there's nothing loose in the engine bay and no leaks (More info on scruitineering will be posted up at a later time). Then drive your car to the scruitineering shed (its marked, but if you dont know where it is, follow where everyone else goes or just ask someone, its very easy to find). Your car will be checked to make sure its safe to go on the track and it will then be assigned a number which is your number for the day. You then park the car back in your original spot and go to the office to sign on. Take your licence with you or if you dont have one, this is where you can get one. Once you've signed on its now time to wait for the drivers brief to begin (which will be announced on the loud speakers throughout the pits and starts at 845am sharp). Once the drivers brief is over, all the drivers are split into groups based on experience so that everyone is comfortable in their group. One group is then allowed on the track at one time for evenly timed sessions, once one group comes off, another goes on, this repeats until the end of the day with a short break around lunch so officials and helpers can get some food and drinks.

Thats basically it! The only way to secure a spot is through sending in an entry form and payment to the club account. The very basic entry form is attached to this post and the bank details are below;

SAUNSW bank details:

Bank - NAB

Branch - Marrickville

Account name - Skylines Australia NSW

BSB - 082 356

Account number - 546 393 766

Please put your FULL NAME in the description, eg "WAKIE JOE SMITH"

See you at the track :D


SAUNSW President

Entry Form SAUNSW + RENEW Wakefield March 2011.pdf

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All entrants Sending in forms by email please state 'wakie' or 'wakefield' before your name as the title of the message, thanks.

Entrants List:

1. David - Aggroman

2. Brian - GTR32G

3. Anthony - Yellow EVO

4. Mike - Br11GY

5. Ben - Dmissi

6. Michael - XKLABA

7. Van - VG216

8. Ben - BenM

9. Dennis - Sycorb

10. Shane - ?uestlove

11. Steve Ka - White R34 GTR

12. Terry - Terry_GT-R34

13. John - A20089

14. Eric - Pezhead

15. Fatz

16. Jenna

17. Mark - MLR

18. Chris - Easto

19. Sid - Speedwhore

20. Saad Aboulha - White STI

21. Dean - Deano1

22.Anthony -Tones

23. Jez - DVS32R

24. Trent - TK80

25. Patrick - hamiltonau

26. Chris - Clock

27. Jeremy - JMKC

28. James - JimmyRickard

29. Duncan - Duncan (lol)

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What do scrutineers generally look for? My Car currently has no interior besides the dash.

Fluid leaks

Working seat belts

Seats bolted down properly

Brake pedal not too spongey

No stuff loose in/on the car

Windscreen you can see through

Brake lights work

Wipers work (if raining)

I'm pretty sure the only comment that the scrutineers will have about a stripped interior is how awesome it is :D

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  • 4 weeks later...

What is the cost of hiring the SAU go pro cameras, do want, I used my camera by using cable ties and gaffa tape, which would have survived a 400kph rollover but the picture quality was not the best.

Mark (picsoritdidnthappen) Robinson

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Hey folks DVD offer is open. PM me if you want to get in on it. We need to have at least 15 people confirmed and paid before the day for it to go ahead so that the club photographers get enough money to pay for petrol and their costs.

I also have two go-pro's still available for rent on the day too.


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Hey everyone,

We have managed to secure 4 extra spots due to the demand..

so if you were keen on a spot now is your chance.. DONT MISS OUT!

Entries will be given preference to payment received, so if you cant get to a fax right away pay now and send it later.

It is also with great pleasure that i announce that FSPORT (http://www.fsport.com.au) and Kumho Tyres have kindly offered to support this championship and are offering the following prizes:

- A $1000 discount voucher for the purchase of 4 Kumho motorsport tyres for the overall winner of each class for the championship

- A $100 discount to any competitor buying their first set of Kumho motorsport tyres

- Another prize awarded per event to be announced shortly.

You've got to be in it to win it though so get those entries in! The points structure rewards attendance and performance across the days sessions, so you don't have to be the fastest to win something.

Remember the COMPETITION IS OPTIONAL so please state on your entry form if you wish to compete to make groupings a bit easier..

For those that were previously wondering

Metal Valve caps; not required but encouraged to have, they are only a few dollars.

Fire Extinguishers; not required but encouraged, $30-40 could save your cars life and is cheap insurance and VERY easy to mount..

Any more questions, dont hessitate to contact me via PM or post up here.

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It is also with great pleasure that i announce that FSPORT (http://www.fsport.com.au) and Kumho Tyres have kindly offered to support this championship and are offering the following prizes:

- A $1000 discount voucher for the purchase of 4 Kumho motorsport tyres for the overall winner of each class for the championship

- A $100 discount to any competitor buying their first set of Kumho motorsport tyres

- Another prize awarded per event to be announced shortly.

Yahooooo.. $1100 for my first set of Kumho semi's ...ahh a guy can dream.

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