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Vic Wasteland Thread - 15.0


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On the side of the road I saw a white van with a weird surveillance looking camera near it on the way to work the other day - thought it was surveying or something. 500 metres up ahead I saw cops on the corner outside my work, one of them with a traffic directing strobe...he was ushering cars into the side street...had about 6 of them pulled over. All dicked for unpaid fines, no rego etc. Was surprised a brand new looking Mini Cooper S was among them and stayed there for 2 days before being collected.

Nothing Ever Really Dies...

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First time you've ever seen a rego scanning station?

Obviously not from the west.

First time seeing one as subtle as deviant and subtle as this - never even had a chance to get away. That's a certain east side copper flamin mongrelness.

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It's obviously a culture amongst MPs - if you were an MP and found yourself in circles where they were claiming infinite amounts of shit you'd prolly do the same.

Still, dream boats. This is why I don't trust any politicians, they are doing the job for the money and fame - to get where they are they stopped caring about their causes many years ago - now the actions are dictated by $$$

Bronwyn Bishop was just a sacrificial lamb for the whole parliament full or fk wits. Suddenly a $5000 chopper ride doesn't seem so significant anymore :/

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Went for a job interview on Thursday afternoon. I deliberately let it slip to the biggest gossip in the office, took about 45 minutes to get back to the CEO... So predictable... Friday morning got called into a meeting with HR here to ask about it, lel... Friday afternoon we all went out to the local microbrewery for lunch (pre-planned) and a happy birthday thing for me. Awkward As Ferk.

Needless to say, it'll be interesting over the next week, will see if anything changes in the company after my stern feedback about the management style... or if nothing changes and they give me a further raise (had a tiny one after my KPI review 2 weeks ago) to keep me with the company or let me go / start issuing warnings for non-issues like I've seen them do in the past.

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