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stuff idiots say about skylines

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I had a success story regarding my car the other night. It was at the Maccas window. A young girl served me, and this 14year old guy sticks his head around her and says "You've got the best car too...". He said it so fast and nervous I had to laugh. Then as I'm pulling out of the drivethru I hear "F^&kin' smoke it". I really wanted to oblige him, but the drivethru can get a little narrow for full burnouts :Bang:

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Um, it's not that complicated.

The original Mitsubishi Magna was fitted with a 2.6 litre four cylinder, called an Astron II if memory serves. It was a dog of an engine: no grunt, no economy & no reliability. The only redeeming feature is that it is fitted with a pair of Lanchester balancer shafts (named for the famous engineer).

The idea is that these shafts cancel out the second order harmonic vibration inherent in all four cylinder motors (also inherent in flat plane crank V8s as well eg the Ford DFV, but I digress).

The point of the comparison was to suggest that an RB26DETT was pretty much the same as an Astron II.

For further information on 1980's vintage Magnas please contact your local Mitsubishi dealer.

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my car is a cefiro

funny things said

filling up my car i go to the counter and say $40 on number 6 thanx, and the guy goes tnats a nice mazarati! is that the quattrovalve?

At a party a guy asked me what my car was i told him its a cefiro, he said what? i ellaborated, he says Ohhh! if you are after more power for it you should put a lazer tx3 engine in it. My mate has one and it does 11 quarters...

Guy at carlovers...

stooge: Thats a nice car mate

me: thanks

stooge: is that a turbo

me: yep sure is

stooge: you know they pollute the environment

me: no they dont (grinning)

stooge: yes they do! all carburated cars do! you need a catalytic converter

me: i already have one

stooge: No you dont! i cant see it (he was looking at the front grille)

i just shook my head

at the traffic lights a guy in a starlet with bodykit signalls for me to wind down the window so i do. he says hey mate do you want to race? i sain nah sorry dude. Light goes green he does a FWD burnout and takes off down blaxland road and proceedes to do about 110 through the fixed speed camera with 3 warning signs before it.

but he sure showed me how fast his starlet was.


took my car to midas to get the discs machined and the guy goes thats a import isnt it. i said yes. he says yeah he said it will cost you an extra $19 per disc because the wheels are really hard to get off on those imports?


i also get

nice magna

nice 4 door silvia

cefiro isnt that a holden people mover?

my mates mitsubishi skyline is faster than your car

I love it all tho it gives me a good laugh

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I don't have a Skyline, I have an S13 Silvia.

One time as I was getting out of my car at a mates house a guy walking down the street says "Nice Skyliner mate!".

I've had countless young kids call my car a Skyline. WTF? It looks nothing like a Skyline!

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  • 4 years later...

thread revival

cruisng down the street in a mates gtr r33 , happen 2 notice a fruitloop driving a gts-t with gtr badging all over it .

we pulled beside eachother at the lights , i came pretty close 2 his car and opened the window and said:

me : nice car man

fruitloop : thanks man

me : gtr is it ?

fruitloop : godzilla they call her .

me: nice nice .

fruitloop : thanx , shes definetly a bit of a sweet ride .

me : yea i can imagine . wanna race?

fruitloop : grins , and says , yea y not

at this point lights went green

completly smoked this guy ,

next lights we pull up next 2 eachother again ,

me : gtr ay , godzilla ay? lol

he didnt no wat 2 say , so i handed a texter 2 him and said , cross out the R on the badge , and slap a S there mate .

have a nice day lol

the guys face was priceless lol

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  • 6 months later...
you revived the thread to talk about a pissing contest on the STREET when the community here is trying to disassociate Skylines from 'hooning'.

You are a gaylord

+1 on the gaylord part.

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