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I talked to a internode tech last night that hadn't heard of 3COM :rolleyes:

Despite what the fatty lover will say I have been running 2TB Hitachis in RAID for quite a while now with no issues at all.

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They guys at MSY aren't paid to think, they are paid to make an incredibly long and slow line of customers.

I resent that, when I was there I made an effort to get through the line.

In other news, I've been thinking about replacing my 775 system with 1155 but just unsure if it's worth getting the 2600K over the 2500K. Mainly working with CAD these days and from what I've read, there isn't a noticeable difference between the two.

Edited by prae
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I talked to a internode tech last night that hadn't heard of 3COM :rolleyes:

Despite what the fatty lover will say I have been running 2TB Hitachis in RAID for quite a while now with no issues at all.

+1, running 2x Hitachi 2Tb's in RAID 1 in my NAS (Thecus N2200, shaddup) for a while now, still running perfect. Spindown, etc etc works great.

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+1, running 2x Hitachi 2Tb's in RAID 1 in my NAS (Thecus N2200, shaddup) for a while now, still running perfect. Spindown, etc etc works great.

We have a very low return rate on the hitachis. They're great.

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Come see me at Scorptec. You can actually sit and discuss things and get advice and opinions. Plus we Cover 100%of the warranty period for pretty much all our stock.

I'd have got 4x hdd's off you guys if I hadn't already bought from MSY before you guys started your sale. Might pop in to pick up some RAM though if I can't get em out of the US cheaper.

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we have literally 2 walls in our office lined with dead IBM / Hitachi drives that will ensure I will never buy another one!

More than 12.months ago. I. Would have agreed.

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we have literally 2 walls in our office lined with dead IBM / Hitachi drives that will ensure I will never buy another one!

you nga's need to start recycling. not like dead HDD's are of any use to anyone.

also, literally?

Up until a year ago I'd have avoided em like the plague, but their new Deskstar range is quite awesome. Plus you get to claim your server has 8 deathstars in it. Shame WD is gonna run the show now and ruin the fun for everyone.

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they are used as a decorative wall phagz; I still have ~100kg of SCSI disks to smash from all of the old servers meh.

Yeah these disks are of the older variety, but still don't trust the brand, not a big fan of Seagate either due to RMA'ing a lot more of them than WD Blue's in the same batches of workstations.

I personally would steer clear of WD Greens in a RAID though due to the abovementioned posts.

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they are used as a decorative wall phagz; I still have ~100kg of SCSI disks to smash from all of the old servers meh.

Yeah these disks are of the older variety, but still don't trust the brand, not a big fan of Seagate either due to RMA'ing a lot more of them than WD Blue's in the same batches of workstations.

I personally would steer clear of WD Greens in a RAID though due to the abovementioned posts.

Using Greens in a RAID is tantamount to suicide, even in JBOD. They're cheap for a reason: Consumer storage of photos and shit. Not meant for speedy times.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey guys, looking at building a new PC to replace my ancient box. Been doing some research, but am really struggling to make up my mind. Mainly struggling with knowing what areas to cut cost in to stick to budget. It will mostly be used for watching shows & movies and Microsoft Office. That being said, I would still like it to be able to run new games well, now and a little into the future.

My budget is around $1200, and will be purchasing the parts from MSY. Can you guys please give me some advice??

Motherboard: No idea..

Graphics card: 1 or 2GB card, probably a 1GB would better suit my budget with the extra spent else where?

Processor: Was thinking an I5 2500K, or possibly an I7, but once again unsure where is best to blow my budget

HDD: 1TB will be plenty for me

SSD: Not sure if this is worthwhile within my budget..

Ram: Ripjaws 8GB, price doesn't seem to vary much with the speed of ram, so maybe the 2133mhz?

Case: No idea..

Power Supply: No idea..

Think that is everything I need, let me know if I have missed something.


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ok my 5 second build

case: a $103 thermal take case i have the V9 looks nice enough

mobo: gigabyte Gigabyte GA-Z68MA-D2H-B3 $139 (you will want to know how many slots you want to use if using dual gfx you may loose the other pcie slot)

CPU: i7 2600 $285

PSU: Antec HCG-900 High Current Gamer Gaming PSU $157.00

ram: 8gb gskill sniper $69

GFX: ASUS 1GB 6950 PCI-E VGA Card $259.00

HDD: WD SATA 2TB HDD $82.00 (i call black over rated for the extra few seconds it saves tou if you want to sound cool to everyone sure put the black in and save a bees dick of time)

OS: Microsoft MS Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit OEM $94

OPTICAL: LG Blu-Ray Combo $68.00

TOTAL $1256

i have all these parts except 2gb hdd and blu ray, i went with the i7 2600k unlocked multiplier, oh i have a coolmaster psu i think 750w, i also went with the power color 6950 for about $225

there may be haters on a budget system like that but im also over spending stupid amounts of money of buzz word hardware, like i said im running this gear and its great

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i5 2500k will be more than enough for your intended purpose

I wouldnt bother with a locked 2600, an overclocked 2500k will surpass it with ease, as well as being about $75 cheaper.

With the money you save you can also get yourself a decent CPU cooler, or spend more on a GFX card :)

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6950 is the best card for that price range though.

If you want anymore you gotta step upto around 320-350 which ATM isn't worth it really i dont think.

I'd go I7 hands down simply because of socket type.

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