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Deadlift Progress And Improvement Thread


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Good work John, keep updating the thread with your deadlift progress. It's amazing how much strength is retained on deads and how quickly you can return to the status quo after a lengthy break. Race me to 200? Hahaha

lol that sounds like a good challenge. I need some motivation to be honest as I've lost the 'thing' for powerlifting. Injuries suck!

Markos; with the whole body workout, what is the routine ie what reps and sets should you be aiming for? If that is something you sell, like PPP, let me know the price and I'll transfer it to your account :)

It's a similar phenomenon to people walking into PTC and not wanting to train there because they start at the bottom of the ladder and would rather return to their top spot at their commercial gym. The cognitive dissonance is more easily resolved by shutting out the threat to the ego, rather than committing the time and resources towards overcoming it.

So if it does properly bother you that certain people are stronger, go set some strength goals and fix it or stop complaining about others being stronger :P

That does explain a lot..................................

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nice story, quite inspirational (and I can relate to a very similar starting point and progress so far)

Thing is though Markos, what's the key with what looks like a 'small' amount of exercises / reps? Do you just go as hard as you possibly can for the lot?

Edited by bozodos
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I thought your beginner workout was

Squat 3x 10

Bench 3 x 8

Row 3 x 8

Military 3 x 8

SLDL 3 x 8

BB Curl 3 x 8??

Also can you substitute bent over rows with something else? I hate bents (don't feel it much in my lats and get a fair bit of pain in my wrists and hands.

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Dont major on the minor shit

Reps, sets all not important

Effort and progress is

As long as its a compound movement will a barbell and pushed to the limits

If its 10,15 or 20 reps on the squats, it wont matter in the long run as long as the effort is 100%

Its a pity that the most important part of training cant be typed out

I laugh when some think PTC is some special place lol


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90kg x 10

120kg x 10

150kg x 5

185kg x 1

No difference in numbers tonight, just a repeat of last time for the sake of backing it up and keeping form in check. Felt a bit ordinary/tired today, so wasn't in the mood for stepping up. See how I feel on Tuesday.

90kg x 10

120kg x 10

150kg x 5

190kg x 1

Had a mate film the 190...wasn't happy with my form on it...lotta rounding and I don't seem to be keeping my back tight enough. No pain though, and I locked it out, so meh. Might upload the vid so y'all can complain about it!

Nonetheless, 10kg away from the goal!

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Had a mate film the 190...wasn't happy with my form on it...lotta rounding and I don't seem to be keeping my back tight enough. No pain though, and I locked it out, so meh. Might upload the vid so y'all can complain about it!

Ever seen strong men pick up the atlas stones?

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Ever seen strong men pick up the atlas stones?

I actually watched world strong man 2012 on Friday just gone!

I'm only concerned about the rounding as being precursor to hitching if I don't have my back set up tight enough for easy lock out. Off the ground I'm sweet...could probabl get 220kg to my knees...but above the knees is where I slow down a lot and struggle. Hence concern about hitching.

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90kg x 10

120kg x 10

150kg x 5

190kg x 1

Had a mate film the 190...wasn't happy with my form on it...lotta rounding and I don't seem to be keeping my back tight enough. No pain though, and I locked it out, so meh. Might upload the vid so y'all can complain about it!

Nonetheless, 10kg away from the goal!

By the time it's your 2-3RM you shouldn't round. Markos has explained heaps that 1rm's aren't always pretty. Max Effort

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By the time it's your 2-3RM you shouldn't round. Markos has explained heaps that 1rm's aren't always pretty. Max Effort

I agree with this logic. My 150kg reps are much better than the first time I 1RM 150. I'm forever telling Leesh not to worry too much about rounding, as long as there is no back pain, because when you surpass that weight, the rounding will be less. From what I've read, rounding is the back's natural way of lifting stronger at a maximum effort. And when I choose to 1RM after volume sets, I can't really expect the best form.

Like I said, only concern is if I'm cheating myself with hitching, or that in competition I'll get red lighted for form. Will upload the vid and you guys can take a look.

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Sounds like the legs need more work. Rounding the back adds too much stress to the spine, way too easy to cause irreversible damage that will haunt you for the rest of your life, I have many friends in this situation.

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I actually watched world strong man 2012 on Friday just gone!

I'm only concerned about the rounding as being precursor to hitching if I don't have my back set up tight enough for easy lock out. Off the ground I'm sweet...could probabl get 220kg to my knees...but above the knees is where I slow down a lot and struggle. Hence concern about hitching.

I'm the opposite. Getting the weight off the ground is my issue, once I get it moving its usually all good!

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Birds: In your quest for 200, did you consider mixing up the reps sets to a 5x5 or a 3x8 instead of sets of 10 at the lower weights? I know you have physique aspirations, but I'm inclined to think that if you weren't burning up so much energy on the earlier lifts with so many reps you'd have the 200 already.

Great work either way, just a suggestion. It was something you guys pointed out to me when I had a plateau on the bench at one point, I'm now 25kg above that point.

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On the deadlift subject, I saw Ange Galati deadlift for the first time last night. He pulled 230kg which is a PB for him. Max watched intently, then told Ange he had 270kg in him, if he changed his technique. He is basically pulling conventional in a sumo stance.

If Ange continues to train at PTC after his CAPO Nats prep, Max said he will get him a 700kg total. His best is 615kg but he should go around 650kg at Nats

The All Time Australian Record at 75kg is 605kg by Emad Nayef. This was achieved with a very light bench of 115kg, his best is 150kg, an easy squat and no 3rd attempt dead. He was due for 660kg at Nats but his arm broke.

Ange will set the All Time Record in 10 days time

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