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Website Ideas and Feature Requests

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I'd suggest keeping it simple to use and easy to find topics

For example, I look for sensible and useful infomation on various topics related to an area of the car such as a gearbox problems, affects of certain modifications, where to get parts, which parts are most likely to break or become difficult to obtain as my car gets older.

I find there are often silly coments made by some people who are using SA as a place to display their lack of wit or intelligence. There are also may who don't and I'm sure the silly comments annoy them also.

Let's not take time with changes that are trivial, let's clean up the site and have the user interface intuative,

Suggest you also start issuing warnings to people making really dumb comments.

Regardless of my complaints verall I enjoy the site

In the past many features have been added to the site to assist in either the general usage or to give fun areas to 'play in' or to help in aiding the organisation of the massive wealth of knowledge that we have on these forums.


I have started looking into many changes to occur over the next few months, some massive, some quite inconsequential. But, what I need is to get feedback from you all as to what features or changes you would like to see. You may think that your ideas are non feasible or plain right silly, but its usually such ideas that make a website just that little bit better.


Please list any ideas you have for the site. Shortly I will create a 'Worksheet' thread that will contain projects that are being assesed, implemented or completed. I will also ask on any php developers to leave their mark in this forum if they wish to assist in this SAU overhaul.


Thanks all and I also thank you for helping make this site what it is today.



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re the suggestions people have made about frequently/repeatedly asked questions, there was a FAQ section set up for exactly this reason. http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/fo...isplay.php?f=57

The idea here was that it would have only moderated FAQ threads, and it did start out that way. Its out of control now tho :) I guess we need someone with some time to get it back under control

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User Galleries, and Serch User Functions...

Also, Put the SAU membership stuff somewhere... took me ages before i could find a DOC which was burried in some thread.

Don't go too crazy with the flash or animation. And I like never having logging in.

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User Galleries, and Serch User Functions...

Also, Put the SAU membership stuff somewhere... took me ages before i could find a DOC which was burried in some thread.

Don't go too crazy with the flash or animation. And I like never having logging in.

Yea Liquid hit the nail on the head. Searching for stuff on the site can be a bit daunting however I believe this is the only blemish on an otherwise well run and well laid out site.

PLEASE don’t change too much, I rather practicality over aesthetics.

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Can you somehow make it easier to place photos on advertisements? Im a dumb arse on computers and havent figured out how to do it yet. A couple of months ago the whole 'for sale' section changed for about 1 week, and i found that much more user friendly.

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turn the option off for registered users to be able to deny pm receipts - most people cant be bothered to send the receipt, which makes them useless. unless ur some kind of dodgy trader theres no reason to need to deny them, right?

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I've got no real suggestions as I think the site is pretty good as it is, but if any changes are done can we please have them tested with Firefox (after looking at Prank's sig I'd say there's a good chance of that)? I've been to a couple of forums where they've screwed around with the menus and they only work in IE.

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pm read receipts are meant to be optional

japanese part specs sounds good

how about a japanese parts manual translation service

forums for modifications and their pros and cons, ie. one for clutch mods including japanese mods, one for intake and the brands and technical pros and cons, experiences, reliability etc.

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Can you somehow make it easier to place photos on advertisements? Im a dumb arse on computers and havent figured out how to do it yet. A couple of months ago the whole 'for sale' section changed for about 1 week, and i found that much more user friendly.

lordy, yes. i second the motion.

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Hey guys, just a quick clear up - the changes being made will be for functionality and practicality, so no theme/style changes and if we do decide to change the style, it will be made as a seperate style so you guys can choose between them.

Great comments tho guys, keep them coming!

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Information on SAU sign up (and there various state sign ups) need to be in one place, and possibly linked properly on the main (.com) page.

It really helps new users who troll around for a while, like what they see, and then want to contribute.

Oh, and having functional links to the .pdf files really helps too. Unlinke the NSW one which wasn't until a few weeks ago.

I know I've been wanting to join from the first day I started reading, but it took me ages to

1) find the info cause I thought it would actually be on the front page


2) find a working link to the .pdf file so that I could actually fill the damn thing out.

Thats all I can think of right now.

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we really should get a library sorta thing going where any docs/faqs are hosted. the faq section on the forum really isnt working as it's just people asking questions.

how about a FAQ section, where when a question is asked, if someone answers a question properly "guru points" are awarded to them by the person who asked the question. Repeat questions are deleted of course.

And yes, definitely firefox friendly site.

Whatever happened to the articles section? and the games? and the vbgarage?

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i'm working on a bare bones style for people on low bandwith connections to use (as using this site on a 33.6k connection is driving me up the wall.)

There is a VB style out that is used for PDA/iPaq/mobile device access. A very minimalist skin. A bi overkill for slow dialup but might be of interest :D

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Is there any way that the site can auto crop or resise an avator pic to fit and to make it easier for dumb asses like myself to load different pics in??

Sorta like the way msn messenger does it would be great!

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I think the search function needs to be improved. Can you incorporate Google into the site at all. I've seen other sites where they have a little google bit you can search their site with.

I have been using Google desktop for a while now and it's so much easier to find information on my computers now. 2 and 3 letter words should be easier to search for expecially given the amount of acronyms people use in relation to cars. "My Z32 AFM with PFC doesn't work."


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i'm working on a bare bones style for people on low bandwith connections to use (as using this site on a 33.6k connection is driving me up the wall.)

hey if you have the time thats a great idea, tho i am on DSL so i have no trouble.

i'm a web/multimedia designer by trade so i know what works well, and clean and simple always wins out.

i'm sure you guys will make the SAU experience even better, good luck

i love the gallery and DIY sections :D

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