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Vic Wasteland Thread - 15.0


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Subtle dig at my intelligence which I've no doubt exceeds yours anyway. Because someone doesn't agree with you lefty doesn't make them inferior.

But hey maybe when you graduate to the real world you'll get it.

Hope you and your family ain't caught in the crossfire one day

Btw shows your level of intelligence you can't prove a point so 'oh wel your racist & stupid vote1 greens'

You really need to get over yourself dude. Seriously

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Here's a list of what not to do in Dubai:

Drinking: Drinking or being drunk in public is not tolerated and the legal drinking age is 21. you should only drink in a hotel.

no big issue with this or in a private home...

Public displays of affection: Holding hands, kissing or gets cosy with your other half could lead to arrest and imprisonment.

shit did not not realised I got arrested

Sex outside marriage: Sex between those who are not married is illegal and can lead to severe criminal sanctions.

turned up with katie, different names on passport..they did not care.

Homosexuality: Homosexual acts are illegal and subject to severe punishment.

so like tasmania till a few years ago...and that stopped what?

Swearing: Swearing and making rude gestures, such as the middle finger, are criminal acts in the UAE.

so common decency

Swimwear: Wearing bathers outside the beach is against Dubai's decent laws and swimsuits in general should be modest. Nudity at beaches is illegal.

how is this an issue?

Smoking: Lighting up in a shopping mall, government building or shop can result in a fine.

there is shisa bars in every mall?????

Clothing: Woman's clothing may be considered indecent if it is tight, transparent, above the knee or shows her stomach, shoulders or back. Men should wear T-shirts at all times and short shorts can attract the wrong kind of attention.

hahaha go one day

Conversation: It is illegal to "harass" women - this includes unwanted conversation and prolonged stares or eye contact.

so respecting women.

Photos: Taking photographs of people, particularly women, without permission is illegal and can lead to arrest or fines.

who was that due from NSW? Patric hamilton, shows there should be a way to stop some of this

Ramadan: During Ramadan, it is illegal for non-Muslims to eat, drink or smoke in public in front of Muslims between sunrise and sunset.

sorry was in kuwait then...was at the pool trying not to notice the chick in bikinis

Medicines: Many medications available over the counter or by prescription in Australia are illegal in the Dubai.

Drugs: The UAE laws on drugs are extremely strict, and include the death penalty or life in jail

sounds good to me.

A string of British tourists have been jailed for offences such as a peck on the cheek, been caught in a compromising position on the beach and for engaging in sex outside marriage.

have you seen british tourists on holiday?

A 30-year-old British woman and a 28-year-old Irish man were jailed after a long legal battle for having sex in a taxi, though DNA tests proved intercourse had not taken place. In 2010 a Be timeritish couple were jailed for a month for kissing in a restaurant.

so the ppl f**king on the beach in public and kids were around (sorry read the full story at the time)...yeah no issues there.

Dat acceptance

so a list of what was illegal in states in AU till recently.

and some that should be.

so most of these are laws in SE asia..which most tourists from AU ignore as well.

shit other than the grog it much worse in russia!

So I know I can only talk from experience of being there not just read out cry on the web.

but yeah, yes there some things that are different, not all of them bad not all good.

way too many USA restaurant chains there cannot get a good meal being the main one.

I read all this prior to going and expected things to be much stricter

but till you really spend time there yeah it just rumours.

same as going to bangladesh, muslim country, grog is illegal, unless you don't identify as muslim then you can buy it no worries.

(could only get one free beer in the airport lounge tho that was a harsh thing)

indonesia is another muslim country...yeah hard to get a beer or a stripper in bali..

the more you travel the more you might be surprised how accepting other people are.

(other than italians and food so not accepting..)

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In your mind you made solid points. In reality you were describing yourself.

Lol yeah keep telling yourself that the PC crowd has howled everyone down for a long time but you watch the tide is turning big time

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so a list of what was illegal in states in AU till recently.

and some that should be.

so most of these are laws in SE asia..which most tourists from AU ignore as well.

shit other than the grog it much worse in russia!

So I know I can only talk from experience of being there not just read out cry on the web.

but yeah, yes there some things that are different, not all of them bad not all good.

way too many USA restaurant chains there cannot get a good meal being the main one.

I read all this prior to going and expected things to be much stricter

but till you really spend time there yeah it just rumours.

same as going to bangladesh, muslim country, grog is illegal, unless you don't identify as muslim then you can buy it no worries.

(could only get one free beer in the airport lounge tho that was a harsh thing)

indonesia is another muslim country...yeah hard to get a beer or a stripper in bali..

the more you travel the more you might be surprised how accepting other people are.

(other than italians and food so not accepting..)

Your referencing highly tourist areas which are select examples plenty of more hardline places so the point still stands. The west has been substantially more accommodating and accepting

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it's hard to argue a fair point why they should be allowed isn't it?

I mean we all no the Middle East / Arabic countries aren't accepting of western ways but the west is supposed to embrace everything they want?

double standards much?

Fallacious argument. Would you also be opposed to people dressing as say...goths, or clowns?

Is there an Australian way to dress? Or 'not dress' rather? Do you see where I'm going with this?

The home grown terrorism in France is linked to a few factors, including, but not limited to:

- Large ('legal') Muslim population that has been isolated and discriminated against.

- Aforementioned population largely of low socio-economic status.

- Capitilisation by Wahabi/Salafi organisations, particularly so when it comes to disgruntled, unemployed, isolated youth.

As you can see, the issue is multli-faceted, It is pretty absurd to imply that immigration itself is the issue, it shows that you have an exceedingly superficial understanding of why home grown terrorism occurs.

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Fallacious argument. Would you also be opposed to people dressing as say...goths, or clowns?

Is there an Australian way to dress? Or 'not dress' rather? Do you see where I'm going with this?

The home grown terrorism in France is linked to a few factors, including, but not limited to:

- Large ('legal') Muslim population that has been isolated and discriminated against.

- Aforementioned population largely of low socio-economic status.

- Capitilisation by Wahabi/Salafi organisations, particularly so when it comes to disgruntled, unemployed, isolated youth.

As you can see, the issue is multli-faceted, It is pretty absurd to imply that immigration itself is the issue, it shows that you have an exceedingly superficial understanding of why home grown terrorism occurs.

Never solely blamed immigration how ever it plays a very large role as your own point references the large Muslim populations in a non Muslim country.

As for dress codes it's a matter of opinion I don't think people should dress as clowns though anything that makes someone unrecognizable is not necessary and oppressive tell me next time you can walk around covered head to toe only showing your eyes and it not be an issue.

As the saying goes not every Muslim is a terrorist but the majority of terrorists are Muslim.

Can't paint everyone with the same brush but it's becoming a far too common story and sympathy is running thin.

I'm yet to see many examples of recent terrorism linked to poverty or socio economic issues perhaps some of the people who have gone to Syria or what not to fight but undoubtedly you'll find these people turned up in Paris to cause harm not because they couldn't get a job or afford food.

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IF you were going to blow yourself up why would you be carrying your passport?

waiting for the Passports to be stolen so they cannot track the suicide bombers back to local cells/family/group

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