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World Time Attack Challenge 2011


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Doesn't change the fact that superlap is just a supersprint where you need a way overpriced car to win. Boz your civic came 8th in class...I said it is expensive to win, not to run mid pack.

Hey if you want to be part of a big event, go for it. Just don't think you are going to win unless you throw stupid money at the event.

Seriously, if you are going to throw that much money at motorsport, for god sake buy something and go racing instead!

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Doesn't change the fact that superlap is just a supersprint where you need a way overpriced car to win. Boz your civic came 8th in class...I said it is expensive to win, not to run mid pack.

Hey if you want to be part of a big event, go for it. Just don't think you are going to win unless you throw stupid money at the event.

Seriously, if you are going to throw that much money at motorsport, for god sake buy something and go racing instead!

I hear you (you have a point from a certain perspective) but personally i'm not interested (nor can get involved in) real racing. I drive my car every day and just dont have time (or inclination) to build a race car. Horses for courses really. Sprints / time attack has it's place. Lot of guys do sprints etc. with reasonably priced cars and get decent results. Hell I placed 2nd in SVD in 2008 in a monaro (NSW sprint championship). You may need something extraordinary/special/seriously developed and likely expensive to win outright, but that's almost a law of physics and will be that way in any form of motorsport. You're kidding yourself otherwise.

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Doesn't change the fact that superlap is just a supersprint where you need a way overpriced car to win. Boz your civic came 8th in class...I said it is expensive to win, not to run mid pack.

Hey if you want to be part of a big event, go for it. Just don't think you are going to win unless you throw stupid money at the event.

Seriously, if you are going to throw that much money at motorsport, for god sake buy something and go racing instead!

Yeah I remember the olden days before all the time attack hype. Good times, good times....

Motorsport (in just about any form) is expensive to win. Trying hard in the midfield, less so.

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Doesn't change the fact that superlap is just a supersprint where you need a way overpriced car to win. Boz your civic came 8th in class...I said it is expensive to win, not to run mid pack.

Hey if you want to be part of a big event, go for it. Just don't think you are going to win unless you throw stupid money at the event.

Seriously, if you are going to throw that much money at motorsport, for god sake buy something and go racing instead!

Only reason I am pursuing time attack instead of door to door racing is that I can do mechanical upgrading development myself to a point but body work is out of my skill set so tangling with other cars could put me out of racing a lot easier than time attack where only I can really prang my car.

It's only really one step up from club sprints. Having said all that theres no chance I'll be winning open class where I plan to enter.

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Tried to call ya Sunday to have a brew with ya Roy........

I was in the shit working all weekend back in Melb...was hiding from phone calls in case I was due for more bad news! :) Back in Brisbane this week so will give you a call.

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pretty sure zebra was walking around the pits in bike shorts :unsure:

Duncan....comments not directed at you (other than a dollar v result yard stick for club)...clearly superlap is a sideline in your motorsport not the aim. You have had a dead serious shot at a genuine state championship and won it twice, in a row.

:cheers: to you

What I don't get is people building a car just for this event. The rules are way too open leaving the budget to win way too high. And like I said, if you are wiling to spend enough to win superlap you should probably try some door to door or rally stuff...it is another step up again in fun.

BTW Russman I was "educated" by the qlders when I went up north. They have a step up from sprints that they call super sprints. Damn good idea if you ask me. They haven't run qld style supersprints in NSW for at least 5 years.

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