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34Geeteetee Daily / Track Project

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Wow, Lotsa update Mat. As said before, was great to be there and catchup again. :)

Happy Birthday too BTW, Kasko mentioned it before we left but by the time we got to Goulburn I clean forgot.

Yeah was an eventful day so figured it was due for an update :P

Dont worry, by the end of the day i forgot it was my birthday too until Carmen reminded me haha

Cant believe its been 2 years since we caught up... At least these issues still allowed me to have some fun track time, unlike 2012 :domokun:

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Yeah man, and once you get all the issues sorted, with any luck, you'll get to have some mad trouble free track time with Maximum Enjoyment and Gate. :woot:

The Flyby vid doesn't do it justice. Standing there hearing you tear past, going deaf in the left ear and then feeling the backfire in your chest as you got off the throttle... Fwark what a thrill.

Must Witness more!!! oh and 2 years is just nuts.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Yeah man, and once you get all the issues sorted, with any luck, you'll get to have some mad trouble free track time with Maximum Enjoyment and Gate. :woot:

The Flyby vid doesn't do it justice. Standing there hearing you tear past, going deaf in the left ear and then feeling the backfire in your chest as you got off the throttle... Fwark what a thrill.

Must Witness more!!! oh and 2 years is just nuts.

Haha will be plenty more next year ;)

So i got the car home and starting pulling it all apart so i can do a clean up and some mods over the summer... This lead to finding some issues and potential failures... I must do more maintanance after track days to prevent simple reliability issues in the future!

Firstly, the tyre going down has been a major talking point... The tyre is now destroyed and looks to be heat seperation...

I am being told by some that heat cycling was required, by others that they are pre heat treated.

Also being told it was low pressure that caused the failure (however i believe the issue started in the first session where the pressures were high)

and lastly told i pushed the tyre too hard (Most likely scenario i guess, however it felt like shit from the minute i went out on it so i still dont know).

If you know tyres and have any feedback on this please feel free to give advice as i am pretty new to it and dont want to deal with it again if possible -




There is no contact with anything as i checked all clearances, the other tyre on the other side still looks like new, these tyres were purchased at different times so are not the same batch.

It would explain why i was complaining about front end grip and could not put down a quicker time i guess!

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The second issue i found was the power steering, i know its been pushing fluid out the rezzy and needs a cooler but also found the low pressure hose was leaking and the drivebelt for it had pretty much destroyed itself, looks like something has flicked up through it as the damage is pretty random over the belt face... So all of these are easy enough to fix and will be bigger and better for the next outing...

Power steer cooler will be made up once i change some things around in the front end for better cooling...

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Third issue which was found by fluke was the braided turbo oil line... I was working below the turbo and giving the heat shield a bit of a bend when i grabbed the braided line and cut by hand... I realised the line has been rubbing on the shield mount and has worn through the braid, i cannot see how far gone it is as yet but will be making a new line that is shorter to avoid any potential engine bay fires in the future! Could have been a bad day!

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Annnnnnnnd the same oil problem i have been suffering for the last few track days, i have no fix for this as yet and will work out a plan as i go... Will still likely setup an accumulator of some form to try band aid the issue but the oil pressure under certain braking conditions is a real problem... I have spoken to a few people now that have suffered the same issue...

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Thats a shame about the tyre, they are good tyres those ones. Im not all that knowlegable but it looks like they needed to be heat cycled to strengthen the bonds in the compund. It looks as though its been pulled apart from either end and tore - which leads me to believe that it needed to be heat cycled. But then again, if the other tyre is ok then heat cycling may not be the issue. Are you alignment specs all good?


Edited by Abdul11
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Alignment was done the day before and should have been spot on... Maybe it is heat cycling then? The left tyre cops a lot more load then the right at Wakie so its possible... I just need a definitive answer so i can learn not to do it again...

I have one of the old fronts with a cooked shoulder than i can use for testing next year while i set the car up anyhow...

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  • 3 weeks later...

The power steering issue is from the actual pump itself.

Idealy you want to underdrive the pulley.

The pump actually starts to re-circulate oil back to the resovoir after roughly 750rpm. Due to your engine now roughly running on average around 6-7-8000 rpm the amount of fluid that is returning to the overflow is high, causing alot of friction through the pump, thus causing it to over heat.

A cooler will help the solution, but under driving the pulley is a must.

also, incase it sounds weird, the pump is at 100% duty cycle at 750rpm to make it easy to idle into a car park.

research the V8 brute utes, they where exploding pumps from excess heat due to their average RPM.

I have underdriven the one on my car, added a cooler and I dont have this issue any more.

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Yeah that was on the cards Dave... Just not until i get further down the track with changing the pulley setup etc... For now i will do the cooler setup and replace the leaking line and hope that will keep it happy for a while!

I have been doing a lot of changes on the car and will update the thread probably January or February with the 2015 plans... Plenty of bits have been arriving for the new mods... I was finally going to be able to fit the steering wheel as the boss and quick release arrived but it was the wrong damn boss kit so now i am waiting on a spacer :(


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  • 2 weeks later...

I didn't actually do it to mine as 3deg was all I wanted but as I was setting it up I noticed it could be so you can get one more setting by simple die grinding the main bolt hole a bit

Ok so I have actually just done this now, I think I wrote that wrong, you don't touch the bolt on plates that the bolt goes through, just the elongated hole in the actual arms

The holes in the plates is offset and when you put the offset to the inside as far as it can go the elongated hole in the arm doesn't go far enough so you have to elongate it about half a hole more, I have pics but can not post them on the forum with the 6 plus for some reason, if your interested PM me your number and I will text them across to you

PS, what cams do you have in there at the moment ?

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Hey mate idk if you have posted it up but on my phone theres like 200 pages to read through. What wheel alignment are you running and what have you done coilover and swaybar wise? im getting mine ready fof my first track day in march and i have my setup as 11deg castor, 2.5 deg front camber and 1.5 deg rear camber but im wanting to upgrade swaybars

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