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COVID-19 Streets are empty.

Guest TT-R34

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"Unfairly implemented", if it wasn't for these unfairly implemented laws every person who couldn't impliment self control would be out at the beach, or church, or park spreading the virus, like alot basically are.

They have been coming up with some epic excuses, it reminds me of kids who don't want to take a bath.


People are typically blind to the "needs of the many" because they cannot see past their own selfish needs to do what they want.

The narcissism is strong in some people.

Meh, what's the worst that could happen.

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Yes glad we agree - continuing to engage in behaviours that interact with others will spread the virus; engaging in behaviour that avoids contact with others, like going for a solo drive/ride, will not. 

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1 hour ago, hardsteppa said:

Yes glad we agree - continuing to engage in behaviours that interact with others will spread the virus; engaging in behaviour that avoids contact with others, like going for a solo drive/ride, will not. 

Nope, I don't agree with you at all, going for a ride is full of variables, crash, break down, some idiot spits out the window (saw this yesterday going to work).

You want fitness, do 100 burpees.

I've owned motorbikes for over 40 years, you cannot get a workout legally unless you are on a track.

And if you are getting a workout on the street, then you are riding like a pork chop, adding more variables.

Just because you want to, doesn't mean you should.

I want to do my weekly Maroubra to Bondi walk, but I don't.

I want to go for a swim, but I don't.

I want to see my daughter, but I don't.

I want to see my other family members, but I don't.

It's not just the risk to me, it is the risk to others if I have it and don't know.

Risk vs reward

Have you been to the shops over the last week or two?

Have you been tested?

Do you live with any family or friends?

Surely people can comply for a few months, it is only hard to comply if "you" make it hard.

I believe people thrive on not wanting to conform, it's the rebel without a cause attitude, which has worked well so far in spreading the virus world wide.

Going for a motorbike ride for exersice, LOL, if you said riding a pushbike.....

Idris be like


That excuse in itself deserves a fine.

Again, just because "you" want to do something, doesn't make it right, or even sensible in the current climate.

But do what you want, what's the worst that could happen.

Me, I'm exercising at home, simples.



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yes i was taking the pi55 about us agreeing...obviously. But wait, what, you swim??? don't you know there were 246 drownings last year, over 20 month, which makes it more risky than CoVID is to date ( and will be, as the rates are dropping), and you're doing that voluntarily??. J/k, sounds like you have put alot of restrictions on yourself, above what has been requested by the authoritah, and hey, your choice to do it, go for it. 

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34 minutes ago, hardsteppa said:

yes i was taking the pi55 about us agreeing...obviously. But wait, what, you swim??? don't you know there were 246 drownings last year, over 20 month, which makes it more risky than CoVID is to date ( and will be, as the rates are dropping), and you're doing that voluntarily??. J/k, sounds like you have put alot of restrictions on yourself, above what has been requested by the authoritah, and hey, your choice to do it, go for it. 

I'm 55 and an ex smoker, so I don't want it.

More importantly though, I have alot of elderly relatives and other family members with young children, plus a few with asthma.

So, by restricting my activities, I reduce the risk of bringing this to my "circle of trust".

I acknowledge it's hard to change habits, I'm lucky due to my job, I can go months without seeing my family face to face, and am use to training with limited equipment and space.

But if you stay positive it isn't really that much of a issue.

Facetime, whatsapp and such helps.

Moreso I believe is working out your fitness regime with limited on hand equipment.

But again, if you put you mind to it there is alot of bodyweight exercises that can work both strenght and cardio.

I'm doing alot of you tubing, watching hot chicks doing pilates and Yoga and circuits. 



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ill add my 2 cents from an area where we probably have some of the lowest numbers of covid on the world, Manitoba Canada.  Keep your fackin cars parked rip them apart clean parts if you got a hard on to be with your skyline.  obey the damn laws don't risk anything at this time. remember its not just yourself you put at risk when you decide to push the envelope. think of the health care wortker have to take care of your sorry ass when you go crash. my dad always taught me to be low key and this is a good time to practice that. stay healthy boys the cars and streets will be there for us when we beat this.

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id hate to see any of you good mates pass from this shit I wouldn't have anyone to help me fix my car anymore. stay alive I need my down under mates. when im up at 2am working on the r because I cant ever sleep im always on sau.com....1 psi at a time boys

Edited by MoMnDadGTR
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I don't give a shit about myself catching COVID-19 or almost anyone else I know, because I know it's basically just a cold and except for my oldies, no-one is likely to even get sick enough to go to hospital, let alone die. And getting it will at least mean that I won't have to worry about it in the future.

But what I do care about, and is the reason I comply with the lockdown restrictions, is getting this f**king lockdown over and f**king done with as soon as f**king possible. And the more (unts keep breaking the rules and spreading community transmission around in your infested crowded shithole parts of the world (and I include most of Sydney and Brisbane in this!) the harder they'll come down on us and for longer.

So pull your f**king heads in and just put up with it now so that it can actually go back to normal later.

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27 minutes ago, GTSBoy said:

I don't give a shit about myself catching COVID-19 or almost anyone else I know, because I know it's basically just a cold and except for my oldies, no-one is likely to even get sick enough to go to hospital, let alone die. And getting it will at least mean that I won't have to worry about it in the future.

But what I do care about, and is the reason I comply with the lockdown restrictions, is getting this f**king lockdown over and f**king done with as soon as f**king possible. And the more (unts keep breaking the rules and spreading community transmission around in your infested crowded shithole parts of the world (and I include most of Sydney and Brisbane in this!) the harder they'll come down on us and for longer.

So pull your f**king heads in and just put up with it now so that it can actually go back to normal later.

id give a shit if you got it mate just saying. I don't know you from a hole in the ground but you kinda my friend on this little community. stay safe mates this shits for real come on now.

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47 minutes ago, GTSBoy said:

because I know it's basically just a cold


50 minutes ago, GTSBoy said:

so that it can actually go back to normal later

How can you have this opinion, yet think the world response is acceptable and there will ever be any semblance of normal after this?

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I've got a nice dirtbike and I have to say trail or track riding is exercise but lucky for me 40 mts away is Bush to ride in. But I'm being conservative as hard as it is. I take my car for a run occasionally but don't stop anywhere just to keep her breathing clean as that's important to me. I'm sure to many others too hey! 


Edited by Impulr33rowner
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3 hours ago, GTofuS-T said:

How can you have this opinion, yet think the world response is acceptable and there will ever be any semblance of normal after this?

Because it would basically just be a cold if I got it, or my kids, or my wife, to a very high degree of statistical certainty. But it is killing people and gumbyments are shitting themselves and the lockdowns are here as a consequence and the only way I can make them go away is to comply and hope that all you dopey (unts comply too, so that the virus dies in the arse and f**k f**k f**k f**k f**k.

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2 hours ago, GTSBoy said:

Because it would basically just be a cold if I got it, or my kids, or my wife, to a very high degree of statistical certainty. But it is killing people

so the same yet milder than the regular seasonal flu? I don't see annual economic shutdowns to stop that...there is still no evidence of significant community transmission, QLD had an election 2 weeks ago and our numbers are still abysmally low, albeit due to the lack of wide scale testing, but even still, using the confirmed cases the mortality rate is 0.5%... so with actual likely cases the mortality rate would become unmeasurable.

Even Sydney the hotspot that it is, is only due to more international travelers who were tested, but even still 0.8% mortality rate is pathetic for a "pandemic".

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Oh, I mostly agree with you over the mortality rate here in Australia. But that is really only because our numbers have been so low that every single person who has come down with it has had the best possible care. The death rate amongst those who are actually at serious risk is actually more like 2.6% on numbers so far** but will top out at around 5% when they all run through.

** Actually, I did those numbers about 4 days ago, so it's probably already higher than that. The group I'm talking about is the 60+ age group.

Contrast Australia's results with even the US, where the death rate is going to come out a lot higher. We'll run ~1% at most. They will very likely come in at something worse than the rate the Chinese saw. Places where healthcare is more fragile (or non-existent) or where the economy is shit (so, most of Africa, most of the Middle East, South Asia, a lot of SE Asia, South & Central America) will see rates up to 10%.

But that's not the point. You're arguing that we never should have had the shutdown that we have. You're wrong. The shutdown that we have will more than likely cause rates to drop to zero inside the next 20-30 days. BUT ONLY IF PEOPLE ACTUALLY STICK THE BLOODY PLAN. After that, there will be very likely no problem with allowing people to circulate more freely. Some social distancing will probably still be recommended to prevent any flare ups from becoming too bad. And interstate travel might still be locked down until it is clear that there won't be any flare ups. And international travel is going to be damn near impossible for the remainder of the year and is going to be a right pain in the (unt when they finally do let it start happening. If I have to go to Oman for 2 weeks next year, it's likely going to mean 6 weeks. 2 week in iso when I get there, 2 weeks when I get back. Same to the US, or Vietnam, or anywhere.

We will face a big problem in Oz after this if we don't have it run through the population. That's because we'll be waiting on a vaccine before we can have contact with the rest of the world.

My position on this. Engage brain before engaging complaining apparatus. Complain about the things that actually matter. Not about not being able to go out fishing over Easter or other trivialities.

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ya that's rubbish im surprised to hear such non sense still from mates thinking this is a just a flu that's the most selfish thing ive heard especially from a guy whos got kids.... people are dying, no vaccine, world on lock down. if you think your so tough and deadly and think this is a joke give your head a shake my moms friends passed away from this shit and now that family gets to grow up without a mother. pathetic and selfish to hear people still not taking this serious. your skyline, dirtbike, mountain bike, kyak, your afternoon wack off in the park can all f**king wait a bit. stay occupied stay at home done deal. 

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10 minutes ago, GTSBoy said:

You're wrong. The shutdown that we have will more than likely cause rates to drop to zero inside the next 20-30 days


10 minutes ago, GTSBoy said:

We will face a big problem in Oz after this if we don't have it run through the population.

which is it pal? should we be stopping the virus at all costs or should we let it run it's course for herd immunity? It would make more sense to stop international arrivals and quarantine the at-risk and let the rest of us deal with it. in saying that, the group you're flagging as at higher risk are similarly at high risk with the seasonal flu, so once again... what's the point of all this? Also, all of your percentages are flawed due to a lack of wide scale or consistent testing, total infected is easily significantly more

This overreaction implies there will be no return to normal without some form of overarching control

anyway... I digress.. you're actually allowed to go fishing and get a haircut, and go shopping at large enough corporations who are able to weather this self inflicted storm, and get takeaway and you're allowed to drive to them in your Skyline... happy days.

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49 minutes ago, MoMnDadGTR said:

people are dying, no vaccine, world on lock down.

Whilst that is the reason for the lockdowns, the reality is that if 10% of the world's population actually died, it would not matter. It seriously would not matter. Human life is not sacred. If I died, I would be dead. If my kids died, it would be a tragedy for me (and for them, etc). But they're going to be lucky to have a livable world anyway, because our selfish species has done everything in its power to f**k it all up.

I have a small amount of sympathy for anyone who has actually lost someone to COVID-19. But the reality is that people die all the time from all sort of things. The flue would have knocked over half a million people this year if its season hadn't been nipped in the bud by the COVID lockdown. Half the people who are dying have diabetes and/or smoke and/or have heart problems from being fat f**ks, which are almost all self-caused afflictions where they were actually inviting death anyway. The remainder are old people who have had 70 years on this planet and weren't going to have that many more anyway, and certainly not particularly useful ones sitting in a retirement home in Florida or some other air-conditioned hell hole.

The world needs an enema. I think that this one is just a practice run.

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1 minute ago, GTofuS-T said:

Also, all of your percentages are flawed due to a lack of wide scale or consistent testing, total infected is easily significantly more

No, because anyone who even has a hint of a sniffle goes and gets tested. They're all so shit scared.

And yes, the best thing for the lockdown now that we have it is just to f**king sit tight and suck it up. And yes, we will have a problem interacting with the rest of the world afterwards. The logic is not that hard to follow, is it?

My personal position on the world, and my nihilistic approach to letting it run through the population should be clear from my previous post, immediately above. But that wasn't the argument. The argument was about just shutting the f**k up about the lockdown and not trying to loophole a dirtbike ride out of it and just bunkering down until its over. You can't fight the man unless you're willing to pick up your pitchfork and rush the barricades (and stir in any other metaphors you like).

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