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OK, i dont understand the motives behind the hackers, and i dont really care why they did it.....

ALL i know is that i havnt been able to get on PSN in the last 2.5 weeks because someone hacked the system and that Sony are currently carrying out maintence/Security Strengthening on the Network..

^^^^^^^ this is pissing me off however i am more than capable of living without PS3 for 3 weeks.

What i dont understand is why you all care so much and why some are blaming sony, i dont really get it...????c an some one fill me in without going into too much detail

BUT if they are offering FREE DLC when the Network comes back online i think it will make up for the time while PSN was down. (obviuosly depending on what they will give us)

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OK, i dont understand the motives behind the hackers, and i dont really care why they did it.....

ALL i know is that i havnt been able to get on PSN in the last 2.5 weeks because someone hacked the system and that Sony are currently carrying out maintence/Security Strengthening on the Network..

^^^^^^^ this is pissing me off however i am more than capable of living without PS3 for 3 weeks.

What i dont understand is why you all care so much and why some are blaming sony, i dont really get it...????c an some one fill me in without going into too much detail

BUT if they are offering FREE DLC when the Network comes back online i think it will make up for the time while PSN was down. (obviuosly depending on what they will give us)

i don't blame sony, i blame the hackers. regardless of the motives, they are the ones responsible for pissing off all of us. i just hope some of them are now starting to get annoyed at the lack of PSN.

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What i dont understand is why you all care so much and why some are blaming sony, i dont really get it...????c an some one fill me in without going into too much detail

oh i dunno, when I hand over my personal and credit details to a company I tend to expect them to be both responsible for its safety and liable for its loss.

BUT if they are offering FREE DLC when the Network comes back online i think it will make up for the time while PSN was down. (obviuosly depending on what they will give us)

cos accepting it also means you waive the right to hold them liable for any losses or inconvenience.

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but if hackers had a life. IE something/anything better to do...it wouldnt be an issue. its not like they just posted our details in bold print on bookface.

when you hand your money over to a bank you expect them to keep it safe from thieves. you'd be pissed if all they had to protect the door to the safe was a shitty padlock.

same same.

no they didn't post your details openly, but they sure as shit didn't make it hard to steal either.

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Very true, but you seem to be ignoring the fact that the hackers ARE the thieves.

there's always gonna be thieves, it's how society's worked for centuries. having a whinge about thieves after the fact isn't gonna make shit better. holding the company that let the thieves get away responsible is much more productive.

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In this case, it's like having a car without an alarm/immobiliser and no insurance. Sony were running an old Apache server without firewalls, which was discussed months before on their technical forums. So that's like sitting in the middle of a mall, talking about how you have a car that the door locks are a bit iffy, and you don't have insurance/alarm, and expecting no-one to do anything about it.

I don't exonerate the people who broke into Sony. Not at all. But Sony also needs to be held liable for leaving gaping security holes.

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^^ not really

how about alarms and immobilisers were present on some cars back in 1994 yet Nissan in their wisdom (like sony) failed to put them on my car my car, gets stolen so do i blame Nissan

and even that example is close but at least with my car i can put an aftermarket alarm on, my self i cant so anything if Sony's server software is outdated

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Yeah, it's a tough one, I'll admit that. Analogies won't really work; a closer one would be something like, Ford gets told "there's a problem with your cruise control, it won't turn off", then does nothing about it (no recall, etc), then someone dies as a result of it. Still a bad analogy.

Either way. All we can do is wait and see what happens.

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So they say.

Don't forget they had originally said it'll be back online within a week................. 3 weeks later and still no actual confirmation. Just a whole lot of maybe.

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^^ not really

how about alarms and immobilisers were present on some cars back in 1994 yet Nissan in their wisdom (like sony) failed to put them on my car my car, gets stolen so do i blame Nissan

and even that example is close but at least with my car i can put an aftermarket alarm on, my self i cant so anything if Sony's server software is outdated

disagree with that analogy..

I'd say it's more like giving your car to a mechanic and it gets stolen from his shop while its there.. With an immobiliser you can atleast install your own, keep the car safe yourself.. But with Sony.. you had no choice.. You can't protect your own information as they had it..

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