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Everything posted by r32-25t

  1. The only other things I’d want would be more DPI/SPI to measure the 4 wheel speeds and do traction control. not sure my car will make enough power for it to be a real issue though
  2. I looked at it and worked out I’d either need to buy a nexus plus a pdm due to the the fact the nexus uses 3 of the 25amp out puts or just the pdm if I kept the elite in there
  3. Ok so the reason I decided to cancel all Japan day is I was finishing off the last of the wiring and started to look at having to do the relays and fuses for the fuel pumps, thermo fans, trigger for the power steering pump and etc. after looking at the number of wires that were going into the car, I took a step back and thought nah f**k this there’s a better and much neater way to do this!! insert pd16 (pdm) here and the problem is solved only issue is I now need to strip the wiring harness, remove the i/o 12 box from it and fit the pd16 instead I got very lucky and it just happened they came into stock the day after I ordered it, now while this is a set back and will mean having to redo some work, it’ll end up being better for it
  4. It’s already starting to become unreliable it doesn’t need Nissan added to it to make it worse
  5. And the snowball starts rolling lol
  6. There’s no such thing, it’s a marketing ploy to try and sell more pistons to suckers
  7. Maybe when buying new the price difference wasn’t that much and buying the gtr just made more sense
  8. Car won’t make all Japan day 😞 I’ll update what’s going on soon
  9. It’s got a nismo speedo but I made the clock say the same as the original dash
  10. It’s not a museum piece, while being a fairly clean car it was my daily when I couldn’t afford 2 cars and it has a few stone chips and etc on it, also has 134k on the clock! No one would use a car with that many kms as a collection car lol
  11. It’ll be a bit of both, it’ll get driven on the street occasionally to just enjoy driving it and then taken to roll racing and a few events like that to really stretch its legs
  12. tank is in the boot and plumbed and the oil filter has been moved and plumbed back up. Also now has oil in the tank ready to prime the pump front bar is back on permanently now, I love the way that cooler looks behind the bar
  13. It came up on my memories that on the 24 of April 2015 it hit 130,000kms and I went out and looked at what it has now which is exactly 134,500kms so in 8yrs it’s done 4,500kms
  14. The pipe in the first photo is somehow facing the wrong way, it’s actually supposed to face towards the throttle bodies and connect to the little pipe on the first throttle body
  15. The ignitors are starting to fail with age as well now and the looms are getting old and brittle as well so it fixes all the problems at the same time
  16. Just go straight to r35 coils! do not pass go and do not collect $200.
  17. Depends where the microphone is for the noise meter and I don’t think drag racing has the noise restrictions
  18. Nah that’s boring, people shouldn’t move in next door to a race track
  19. Bet there’s a lot of people who wish they could have taken that offer now
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